The saying “A jack of all trades is a master of none” has long been associated with agencies that offer services across multiple creative services. In the past, marketers and brands usually preferred to use multiple agencies across various marketing touchpoints. These agencies included an above-the-line agency, an FMCG packaging agency, a prepress agency, a point-of-sale agency, a digital agency, a video agency, and, more recently, a social media agency, to name a few.

But as the full saying goes, a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. With marketing budgets getting tighter every year, brands are looking to maximise their marketing spend by being more strategic in their approach to ensure they get the best results for every dollar spent. This is where the one agency model comes in.

The one agency model is becoming increasingly popular among marketers and brands because it offers a more integrated and cohesive approach to marketing. Instead of working with multiple agencies, brands can work with one agency that can handle all their marketing needs.

While the saying “A jack of all trades is a master of none” may hold some truth, it’s important to note that having one agency that can handle multiple touchpoints can be more efficient and effective than having multiple agencies. With a one agency model, the agency can better understand the brand’s overall marketing strategy and ensure consistency across all touchpoints.

For this reason, the one agency model is gaining popularity among marketers and brands as they look to maximise their marketing spend and ensure they get the best results. While the traditional approach of working with multiple agencies may have its benefits, the one agency model offers a more strategic and integrated approach to marketing that can help brands achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively.

In the world of marketing and branding, the relationship between a client and an agency is of utmost importance. It is a bond that is built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared vision of achieving the desired objectives. At our agency, we have had the privilege of serving our clients for over 25 years, and we have seen that, over time, the relationship between the client and the agency evolves naturally. As the client gains confidence in the agency’s abilities, they begin to rely on them for more than just the original service they were engaged for. This often leads to the agency becoming a single point of contact for all the client’s creative needs.

This trend towards a one agency model is not just a matter of convenience for the client, but it also has tangible benefits for the brand. For instance, by working with a single agency, the brand can ensure consistency in messaging, branding, and creative execution across all their marketing channels. This approach also allows for greater collaboration between the client and the agency, leading to more innovative and effective solutions. Furthermore, it streamlines the entire creative process, from ideation to execution, resulting in better cost efficiencies and faster turnaround times.

Overall, we have found that the one agency model is an effective way for brands to achieve their marketing goals while maintaining a strong and productive relationship with their agency partner. As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, we believe that this approach will become increasingly popular, and it’s thinking that has helped shape and evolve the imsglobal business over the years as we adapt to meet our customer’s needs.

Beyond the simple comfort of marketers dealing with their preferred agency for multiple creative services, the one agency model offers tangible benefits.

Speed to Market

By eliminating the need for external agency handovers and ensuring that the files being prepared are fit for purpose, you can significantly increase the speed at which your marketing projects are completed and go to market. This is because, without the need for external agencies, you can avoid delays caused by communication gaps and inefficient processes. Additionally, ensuring that the files are fit for purpose means that they are optimised for their intended use, which can improve the quality of the final product and lead to better results. This can also lead to greater project transparency, as all stakeholders can have access to the same information and be better equipped to make informed decisions.

Cost Savings

The agency model is designed to optimise the artwork production process and help save costs. With advanced automation tools, artwork can be created for multiple outputs and markets from a single master file. This eliminates the need to repurpose agency files for print and other applications, which in turn greatly reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies in the final product. By streamlining the artwork production process and reducing double handling, you save valuable time and resources, ultimately leading to cost savings. This focus on efficiency and accuracy allows brands to allocate resources towards other important areas of the business.

Brand Consistency

Brand consistency is an essential aspect of managing a brand effectively. It involves ensuring that all brand assets are rolled out consistently across all formats and markets. This means that all elements of the brand, such as its logo, colour scheme, typography, and messaging, are presented in a consistent manner, regardless of where they appear. By managing the roll-out of all brand assets, we can ensure that the brand is presented in the best possible light and that its identity is preserved across all channels. This, in turn, helps us to be effective brand guardians, as we can ensure that the brand is always represented in a way that is true to its values and identity.

Fit for Purpose

Managing the early stages of the creative process is crucial to ensuring that the end product meets the desired standards. By having a clear understanding of the purpose and intended audience, we can tailor the creative approach to maximise its effectiveness. This involves brainstorming, ideation, and concepts to generate ideas that align with the client’s goals and objectives. Additionally, this stage allows us to identify and troubleshoot any potential production issues that may arise during the creative process, ensuring that they are addressed early on and not at the time of roll-out. This approach helps to minimise delays, reduce costs, and ultimately deliver a high-quality end product that is fit for purpose.

Time Back to Marketers

In today’s fast-paced marketing landscape, it can be challenging for marketers to keep up with the demands of multiple marketing touch-points. Engaging with multiple agencies to deliver across various channels can be time-consuming and often leads to inefficiencies. However, with the help of a single point of contact, marketers can streamline the marketing process and gain more control over their campaigns. By eliminating the need to engage with multiple agencies, marketers can reduce the risk of miscommunication and ensure that their campaigns are executed seamlessly across all touch-points. This, in turn, frees up more time for marketers to focus on other essential aspects of their job, such as strategy, analysis, and optimisation.

In response to the evolving perspectives of brands, agencies must now possess a heightened level of agility and flexibility. This is because brands no longer view their agencies as just mere vendors but rather as strategic partners that can help them navigate the ever-changing business landscape. As such, agencies need to have a diverse and deep pool of creative resources across multiple creative services to be able to pivot and provide the necessary support in line with the evolving needs of their clients.

Agencies that are nimble and adaptable can help brands stay ahead of the curve by providing innovative solutions that address their unique challenges. By having access to a broad range of creative resources, agencies can ensure that their clients are getting the best possible solutions that align with their brand vision and overall business objectives. The ability to provide bespoke solutions tailored to each brand’s specific needs is what sets successful agencies apart in this highly competitive landscape.